AMException  201909
String localization library
Andromeda Exception library

AMException - cascaded exception with localization.Typical error is cascaded. Let's imagine that you have application for editing documents. Than, you may want present IO error to user if occured. For example:

  • Unable save document
  • Because
  • Unable write file
  • Because
  • Disk is full


Let's have this table. First word is an original string, second is a "translated" string.

const constexpr char* g_strings[][2] = {
throw AMException(_(g_strings[0][0]));
FAIL() << "This line must not be reached since an exception is thrown";
catch(AMException e)
EXPECT_STREQ(g_strings[0][1], e.what() );
throw AMException(_(g_strings[1][0]), e);
FAIL() << "This line must not be reached since an exception is thrown";
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected exception";
catch(AMException e)
EXPECT_STREQ(e.what(), g_strings[1][1]);
const std::list<AMException>& trace = e.get_trace();
std::list<AMException>::const_iterator i = trace.begin();
EXPECT_NE(trace.end(), i);
EXPECT_STREQ(g_strings[0][1], i->what());
throw AMException(_(g_strings[2][0]), e);
FAIL() << "This line must not be reached since an exception is thrown";
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected exception";
catch(AMException e)
EXPECT_STREQ(e.what(), g_strings[2][1]);
const std::list<AMException>& trace = e.get_trace();
std::list<AMException>::const_iterator i = trace.begin();
EXPECT_NE(trace.end(), i);
EXPECT_STREQ(g_strings[0][1], i->what());
EXPECT_NE(trace.end(), i);
EXPECT_STREQ(g_strings[1][1], i->what());
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected exception";


Download at GitHUB

Building AMException

Getting sources

git submodule update


mkdir cmake-build-debug
cd cmake-build-debug
cmake ..

Single test (not necessary)



This library is under GNU GPL v3 license. If you need business license, don't hesitate to contact me.


Please contact me.
